With the right song you either forget everything, or remember everything

How much is that doggie in the window?
The one with the waggly tail. How much is that doggie in the window? I do hope that doggie's for sale

I started singing this song on the way home from the grocery today, after seeing this adorable puppy waiting patiently for his master at the bottom of the escalator. He was the cutest little thing, but steadfastly refused to cooperate and pose for a picture - so intent on watching for his owner, studying every person as they descended the staircase.
Now, I'm aware that I'm dating myself with this Patti Page song from 1952. I wasn't around in the 50's, but I remember singing this song and so many others, with my Mom and Dad and my brother and sister on our long summer car rides to Cape Cod. Songs like "I'm Henry VIII I am", "Detour", "Second Hand Rose", "King of the Road" and so many others. When I think of these songs it takes me back those happy times of my youth, driving for hours on end, no air conditioning or seat belts, fighting over seat space with my siblings, breathing second-hand smoke... okay, maybe they aren't ALL great memories - but regardless, we were all together and happy to be headed to the beach for a week of sun and sand, late night card games, and hot dogs dinners followed by a trip to Dairy Freeze for some chocolate dipped soft serve.

I definitely come from a singing family. Despite a complete inability to carry a tune, my Dad was convinced that he was the next Frank Sinatra (but more handsome, and much more cool), and my Mother will still break into song if she feels it's appropriate to the situation at hand. I'm afraid that I follow both of their leads in this regard.

My husband is constantly giving me that perplexed "who ARE you?" look when I start singing a random song from "South Pacific" or humming a tune by the Kingston Trio. He may think it's bizarre that I know all the words to 60 year old Broadway musicals, but I grew up listening to my parents play 33's on the huge cabinet record player in the living room, and each one of those songs leads to so many precious memories. His rendition of "Chantilly Lace" by The Big Bopper is as much a part of my memory of my Dad as
his curly hair and sports cars. And now I only need to say the word "Popular" to my daughter and we immediately become Elphaba and Galinda from Wicked. It's those shared songs that help transport us to another time and all of the memories that come with it.
What I wonder is - do families still have these traditions? Do they sit around the piano on Saturday night or instead is it Nintendo and Netflicks? Do they drive cross country sharing harmonies or are they buried in the backseat with their Ipads and Instagrams? Everywhere I go I see people listening to music on their headphones. Has listening to music become largely a solo activity?

Research shows that odors are better reminders of past experience than are sight and sound, and that may very well be true. But I know that for me it is music that immediately brings to mind the very best times of my life. Music is meant to be shared, so tear off those headphones and turn up the volume!
They say a picture is worth a thousand words - but a song? A song can bring back a thousand memories.
What are some of your best music memories? Are there certain songs that make you think of special people and experiences? Did you have musical traditions in your house growing up? Are you continuing those with your own children now? What songs make up the soundtrack of your life??